Texas Civil War Museum – 2018 Summer Speaker Series June Schedule

June 2, 2018 @ 1:00 pm
Texas Civl War Museum
760 Jim Wright Freeway
White Settlement, TX 76108
Museum Galleries Admission Price: $6 Adults, $3 Ages 7-12, Children 6 and under - free with adult
Texas Civil War Museum

Texas Civil War Museum
Summer 18 Speaker Series
JUNE 2018


Saturdays, 1:00 p.m. in Museum Theater
(Fee for entrance to museum galleries)


Saturday, June 2  Presenter: W. Scott Bell
Book Signing: 1200 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.   Lecture: 1:00 p.m.
“The Camel Regiment”

The 43rd Mississippi Infantry of the Confederate States of America is the only regiment east of the Mississippi River to have used a camel martially. Referred to as the Camel Regiment, the troop was organized in 1862 and surrendered in 1865. From the acquisition of the African dromedary Old Douglas who carried baggage and musical instruments until his death at Vicksburg to the exploits and ultimate fate of his fellow soldiers, Bell provides an entertaining historical narrative of this little-known chapter in American history.

Saturday, June 9 Presenter: Dr. Dennis Partrich
“Impact of Religion During the Civil War”

To fully understand history, one must examine all aspects of life during the period in question. So it is with the American Civil War. Yet, until fairly recently, research and discussion have been lacking in one facet of everyday life: Religion. What role did religion play during the war years: How did religion shape the views of those both North and South? What were the major religious themes of the period? Was religious thought used to drive the politics of the period? These are just a few of the topics to be discussed as Partrich’s reveals the impact of religion had during the war.

Saturday, June 16  Presenter: Sheila Randolph
“The Unlikely Freedom Rider”

The Confederacy is forever linked to the African American struggle for Civil Rights, but not in the way most people would think. Who was this “Unlikely Freedom Rider” who almost caused the fledgling Jim Crow laws to be repealed before they got a stranglehold on our country? Ms. Randolph will give insight into this notable character who lived through the Civil War.

Saturday, June 23   Presenter: Major (ret.) Jack Dyess
“Texas Rangers Republic – Civil War”

Jack Dyess’ topic, Texas Rangers, will shed light on the very dangerous, rough and tumble jobs of the early Rangers in fighting Indians and outlaws. Rangers acted simultaneously as arresting officer, jury, judge and executioner—many times all four in a period of seconds because their knowledge of law was primarily what the individual Ranger felt was right or wrong. This swagger would cement itself into legion during the War Between the States and afterwards develop into a premier professional law enforcement agency.

Saturday, June 30   Presenter: Joe Owen
Book Signing: 12:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.   Lecture: 1:00 p.m.
“Hood’s Texas Brigade”

The actions of Hood’s Brigade are legendary and the men from Texas shared their experiences, both fascinating and harrowing, in their personal diaries, interviews, speeches and letters. Mr. Owen will share his research and allow us to view the soldier’s world as they saw it.

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